
Epee - APEX RazorSword

4. BeltSword – APEX Epee – Ultra High Performance

From: $239.95

Click on Drop Down Boxes for Size & Price – RazorSword length must be 4-6 inches less than waist size.  To select length in 32″-36″ or 33″-36″ – Type length in “Order Notes” at “Checkout” or e-mail length to CEO@RazorRazor.com

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APEX Epee – Fencing Type Weapon – BeltSword System

    • Overview – The Epee is a Light Weight Fencing Type Weapon – The great advantage of this weapon system; is the ability to totally hide and conceal a 26″ to 36″ razor-sharp Epee blade inside a tiny 1″-wide casual belt…with instant access, and sub-second deployment and target strike.  Extremely fast and agile; perfect for thrusting…but also a fierce cutting and flexible whip-type slashing weapon. For most, the Middle Weight Class Epee Blade should be easy to use; however, for safety reasons, training and practice is recommended. (Please provide notes on order form, or e-mail us regarding the belt width you wish to order) The 1.0″-wide belt, or 1.25″-wide belt, or 1.5″-wide belt, (Belt length sizes from 28-inches to over 60-inches) are the leather belt widths best suited for the APEX Epee BeltSword System…hereafter known as Epee.  The specially designed containment system will be attached inside one of the three leather belt widths listed above.
    • Epee Designed for Thrusting; but Cutting and Flexible Whip Action a Close 2nd The Epee RazorSword needs to be flexible to be able to bend comfortably around your waist while inside the linked containment system. Therein lies a problem for thrusting; a flexible blade is not a superior thrusting weapon.  Depending upon the blade thickness and blade length you choose; gripping the Epee via the standard handle…may cause the blade to be too long…too flexible to effectuate a thrust. (Not a problem! European 900-year-old Half-Sword Technique will allow the Epee RazorSword to thrust into and through a human torso from 12-inches to 18-inches) Yes, the simple solution is “Half-Swording”; a technique that has been successfully used in combat since the 14th Century.  See bottom of this page describing the Half Sword technique, or Google it.
    • Epee Cutting & Whipping Technique – If you decided to sharpen the Epee…especially the tip; you will have a weapon that is capable of delivering a deep cut/slash into a target. Additionally, the flexible spring steel blade may also be used in a modified “whipping action”.  If done correctly; the whipping action is extremely fast and difficult to defend. Not only is the Epee strike fast (Providing use of proper body mechanics…as taught in Eskrima); but the blades spring action releases a lot of stored kinetic energy from the whip action.
    • Flexible Linked Steel Containment Rail System – The containment system conceals and safely retains a 0.75″ wide by a 26″ to a 37″ long Epee RazorSword…Tactical Weapon System.  The Epee Blade encircles your waist in comfort; through your back and side belt loops.  The Epee is totally hidden and concealed, and is “safely secured/retained” inside our patented belt containment system; known as a Flexible Linked Steel Containment Rail System. A simple twist of the belt will release the handle…followed by an instant “draw and strike” of the Epee RazorSword; either cutting across the target, or thrusting into the target. Providing you are using the correct technique; the “draw and strike” should be in a sub-second fluid motion.  From the outside, the “Belt Containment System” appears to be a normal casual black leather belt.
    • Verbose – Yes, we could use a lot less words describing our products; however, as design engineers we have a penchant for detail, and perfection.
    • IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ – Important for a Correct Fit The total overall length of the Epee needs to be a minimum of 4″-5″ less (Smaller) than your waist size.  You must measure through your belt loops (Remove your belt) with a cloth tape measure or string; while wearing a heavy denim like shirt to obtain your maximum measurement.  Belt and pants sizes do not give us an accurate measurement for the Flexible Linked Containment Rail System that is attached to our custom leather or tactical belts.
    • Epee – Part of the APEX Predator Series: The Epee APEX Series has four weight classes to choose from (Feather Weight), (Middle Weight), (Light Heavy Weight), and (Heavy Weight); however, we recommend the Middle Weight Class, or the Feather Weight Class for first time users…if this is your first BeltSword Weapon System. Why, because the heavier-thicker blades are too rigid…Not Suitable, and Not Fun for New Users.  As the APEX Weight Classes increase, so does its rigidness.
    • Recommended for Experienced RazorSword Clients, or Personnel Trained in Edged Weapons – If you have decided to order a heavier and more rigid Epee / BeltSword Weapon Systems; in the “Light Heavy Weight Class”, “Heavy Weight Class”…please include the Epee overall length in your “Order Notes”. (Located in the shopping cart “CHECKOUT”) Or e-mail us with your length selection; including any other special instructions pertaining to your weapon system order. E-Mail Address – CEO@RazorRazor.com
    • Epee – APEX Predator Ultra High-Performance Mono-Blade – Again, we cannot stress enough, if this is your first RazorSword; choose either a standard Middle Weight Epee Blade or the Feather Weight Epee. (Note: The Feather Weight is very light, and extreme flexible.
      • Epee – APEX .042″ Thick Blade – Feather Weight Class – in Lengths 24″-26″ – for Small Waist Sizes – If you have a smaller waist size (30-inches or less), and need a shorter Epee RazorSword blade; please consider the Epee Feather Weight Blade option. Please recognize that the Feather Weight is an Ultra-Thin, Ultra-Flexible, and Ultra-Light blade.  Because the Feather Weight Class is so extremely light, and flexible; this is not considered an offensive weapon. The Feather Weight Epee; with the proper Half-Sword technique; should be capable of thrusting up to 10-inches into a human torso. However, the striking, cutting, or whipping capabilities are limited even for defensive measures.  You will need to transition quickly to the Half Sword thrusting technique to properly defend yourself.
      • Epee – APEX .050″ Thick Blade – Middle Weight Class – In Lengths 26″-32″ – Providing that the Epee .050″ thick blade is not too short, or not too long; you will find a good balance between rigidness and flexibility. Epee os a great thrusting weapon when using the Half-Sword Technique, and is capable of delivering extremely fast cuts, and a whip action if desired. Short .050″ thick Epee blades may be a greater challenge to bend and secure around a waist, and comfort level may be slightly compromised due to the added revers spring pressure from a short spring steel blade.
      • Epee – APEX .055″ Thick Blade – Light Heavy Weight Class – In Lengths 32″-36″ – The .055″ thick Epee blade has an increase in rigidness, and therefore an increase in thrusting capabilities.  However, in shorter lengths, Epee may be a greater challenge to “bend and secure”.  Due to the extra weight and blade rigidness from the 0.055″ thick blade; cutting and whip action is substantially better.  However, this weapon system is probably not for the novice or beginner; however, the Epee .055″ Light Heavy Weight is an excellent choice for personnel with edged weapon expertise and training…or persons with RazorSword experience.
      • Epee – APEX .062″ Thick Blade – Heavy Weight Class – In Lengths 33″-36″ – The APEX .062″ thick blade; is by far the heaviest and most rigid blade in the Epee class. Therefore, cutting ability is substantially increased; with greater spring energy being release when used in a whipping motion.  The Epee .062″ thick heavier blade (In shorter to middle lengths) has excellent thrusting capabilities; even without using the Half Sword technique. However, this weapon system is not for the novice or beginner; the .062″ Epee is for experienced RazorRazor cliental, LE/MIL, or persons well trained with other edged weapons. Due to the large amount of spring tension/pressure being stored in the containment system; proper training, caution and weapon control is essential.
    • Epee RazorSword – Summary Includes Mono Blade Variants: The Epee RazorSword is an extremely well concealed “Body Contour Weapon System” that adjusts to the waist and torso area.  The Epee RazorSword is concealed in comfort, and hidden in what looks like a casual leather narrow belt.  Deployment and target strike is sub-second, and in one instant fluid motion”. (Handle deployment is “downward, and springing out…directly into your hand”) In summary, the Apex Predator Series is an Ultra High-Performance Spring Steel Mono-Blade that is specially heat treated and tempered.  The “BeltSword Weapon Containment System” is made from a series of linked containment clips; that forms our patented “Flexible Linked Steel Containment Rail System”.
    • Attributes & Differences: Although Epee Blades are generally lighter than most other blades in the RazorRazor inventory; it is faster and it is better for thrusting than a 1.5″ wide Laminated Heavy Weight Blade. When we compare the 1.5″ wide blade of the Apex Predator Middle Weight to the 0.75″ wide Epee Apex Predator Middle Weight; the Epee is faster, lighter, and much easier to conceal.  Regarding thrusting; both blades are about equal depending upon length, and thickness.  (All thing being equal; a narrow rigid Epee Blade may have a thrusting / penetration advantage)
    • Handle Width – All Epee RazorSword blades and sword handles are manufactured at 0.75″ wide. If you wish, you may customize the handle to make the grip wider with plain nylon cord, or 550 Paracord.
    •  Belt Loops: Regarding the Epee, and the narrow belt options; this BeltSword System will fit through almost any set of small or large belt-loops.  This includes smaller pants and jeans. 
    • Body Contour Weapon System – The Epee BeltSword System is an “auto-adjusting” containment system; within reason…the BeltSword System automatically fits the “body-contour” for your specific anatomy. (To center your belt buckle; you may need to move the containment system on the inside of the belt, to the right or to the left.
    • APEX RazorSword Technology – 1075/1095 specially tempered high carbon spring steel that is pre-stressed at our manufacturing facility.  The Apex Predator Series has an indestructible reputation. The sharp tip of the Epee is at an extreme angle to create a needle-nose penetrating / thrusting point. (Other point options are available upon request) The blade geometry of this hard, thin, high carbon spring steel blade; makes for a superior razor-sharp edge. The aggressive needle nose point of the Epee has superior thrusting capabilities.
    • Blade – Blades sold “as not sharp” due to liability reasons.
    • “Modified Katana Curve” – Some Epee blades may exhibit a very slight “Modified Katana Curve” due to blade tempering and coil set. The curve is different from the Japanese Katana Curve.  With the sharp edge directed downward…towards earth; the Japanese Katana Curve goes “up & down” over the length of the blade.  The very slight curve in the Epee blade goes from the “side to side” over the length of the blade. For more information Click on Blue Link: Apex Predator Series RazorSword – In-depth Review – Compare Systems

Epee RazorSword Specifications – Sold Not Sharp

  • 24″-26″ APEX RazorSword (Feather Weight Class) Specs: 0.75” Wide x .042″ Thick (Extremely Flexible – Depending Upon Length) Sold Not Sharp
  • 26″-32″ APEX RazorSword (Middle Weight Class) Specs: 0.75” Wide x .050″ Thick (Somewhat Rigid to Rigid) Sold Not Sharp
  • 32″-36″ APEX RazorSword (Light Heavy Weight Class) Specs: 0.75″ Wide x .055″ Thick (Rigid to Very Rigid) Sold Not Sharp
  • 33″-38″ APEX RazorSword (Heavy Weight Class) Specs: 0.75″ Wide x .062″ Thick (Very Rigid to Extremely Rigid) Sold Not Sharp
  • Needle Nose Penetrating Thrusting Point: The extreme Epee point angle is a distant variant to the Tanto style point – upon request other point options are available. However, our needle nose penetrating point is a superior design for thrusting.

Epee – BeltSword Weapon System Package Contains

  • Epee RazorSword, Belt, & Containment System are All Included in Purchase – See Below
  • Epee RazorSword (One sword – not sharp) – 1075/1095 specially tempered high carbon spring steel.
  • Choose One Weight Class from Drop Down List Above
    • Feather Weight Class .042″ thick mono blade – Extremely Flexible
    • Middle Weight Class .050″ thick mono blade – Somewhat Rigid to Rigid
    • Light Heavy Weight Class .055″ thick mono blade – Rigid to Very Rigid
    • Heavy Weight Class .062″ thick mono blade – Very Rigid to Extremely Rigid
  • Leather Belt – 100% pure top grain cowhide leather – heavy duty – extra thick.
  • Containment System – Lightweight – Flexible Linked Steel Containment Rail System. (Patented)
  • Notched Tool for Slotted Barrel Nut – Special notched custom tool; allows for easy installation and removal of barrel nuts that hold the containment clips to the underside of belt.
  • Hardware and Instructions – Containment system hardware & instructions.
  • Point Tip Options – Please contact us for more information – 414-333-3300, or CEO@RazorRazor.com
  • Guaranteed for Life Against Catastrophic Failure – RazorRazor uses only the highest quality 1075/1095 high carbon spring steel – this has allowed the RazorSword to attain a near indestructible reputation.

Epee RazorSword – Feather Weight to Heavy Weight:  Epee RazorSword blades were designed to be great “defensive weapon systems”; however, the heavier and more rigid Epee Blades may easily be considered an offensive or counter attack weapon. When sharpened they are excellent thrusting weapons…with the ability to cut and whip.  APEX blades are extremely dangerous when sharp and even sword experts should never train with a (sharp) live blade.  I have witnessed experts in Eskrima accidentally strike themselves with the dull rounded edge of an APEX; had it been sharp…serious injury or death would have been the result.

Again, we DO NOT SHARPEN THE RazorSword BLADE; for liability reasons and you will need to determine the proper length of your weapons sharp edge.  (We really have no idea how long your sharp edge should be – note the length of your containment system which will limit the length of your blades sharp edge – if you are a weapon expert and trained fighter…you will want to make the decision regarding the length of your sharp edge…you would not wish to have another weapon expert tell you how to sharpen your blade) The sharp edge of the RazorSword needs to fit your specific needs, and fit the inside the total length of the containment system. 

  • Half Swording Technique – Medieval Knights & Sword Fighting: Medieval Knights would grasp their sword blade; “choke up onto their sword blade”…grasping the center of a bare steel blade.  This fighting technique was called “Half-Swording”; used for better accuracy, to pierce through the openings in a Knights armor, and to have better control of the pommel and tip in close quarters.  Knights would sharpen only the area of the blade that “will not be held by their hand”.  In the final analysis; they would sharpen the length of their blade to fit their fighting style.
  • With blades that are flexible, there is another important reason for the Half-Sword technique; if you “choke-up” on a flexible blade…making it shorter, it becomes much more rigid. (Physics) A rigid blade is always a superior thrusting weapon.  In the case of standard RazorSwords, and especially with the newer Epee and Rapier systems; this changes an otherwise flexible blade into a rigid / stiff blade…perfect for thrusting into and through a human torso. 

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