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Apex Predator Series

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Apex Predator – RazorSword – RazorMachete

Apex Predator Series – Ultra High Performance Blade

Middle-Weight Class // Light Heavy-Weight Class // Heavy-Weight Class

Apex Predator – High Performance – Rigid for Thrusting – Exceptional Cutting

The Apex Predator Series (APEX) is an Ultra High Performance Mono-Blade design. (Single mono blade – Not a Laminated blade)  APEX is an important innovation to our blade technology, and welcome addition to our family of RazorSwords, RazorMachetes, and RazorBatons.  The new APEX blade is a major step forward in both design and application.  APEX is available with a variety of options; including the RazorSword, the RazorMachete, the RazorBaton, and the RazorCustom Point.  As with all of our BeltWeapon Systems; APEX encircles the waist in our patented “Flexible Linked Containment Rail System” that is fastened to the inside of a leather belt, military style web belt, or special order (TPU) thermoplastic polyurethane coated nylon webbing with a break strength of over 1,500 pounds.

Depending upon blade length, blade thickness, blade rigidness, and point configuration; the Apex Predator Series has thrusting capabilities that is on par with some of the best historical or current battle ready swords.  The APEX blade is heat treated and tempered to achieve a level of hardness that guarantees durability.  A special tempering process to harden the 1075/1095 steel, combined with greater thickness of the mono-blade structure; has dramatically increased blade rigidness without sacrificing durability.  This insures that the blade will have superior thrusting, and cutting capabilities.  All blades are guaranteed for life against catastrophic failure.

 Company Summary

RazorRazor is a different kind of company! RazorRazor is a “Made in the USA only manufacturer”, a weapon designer/consultant, and a joint-venturer with elite LE/MIL, international counter terror training teams, SERE training teams (Escape & Evasion), and many other weapon experts.  Since research and development is a high priority; RazorRazor builds custom weapon systems to fit the needs of our training partners, and law enforcement personnel.  Special attention is given to the environment in which our weapon system must function. RazorRazor products are the toughest in the business…they are guaranteed for life against catastrophic failure. Our weapon/tool designs continue to meet operational needs…for any possible environment…in any part of the world!  The only blade you will ever need to buy…because it is guaranteed for life!

Apex Predator Series – Middle Weight – Light Heavy Weight – Heavy Weight

Apex Predator Series Mono Blade – High Performance: Three Weight Classes, Three Different Levels of Rigidness

  1. APEX Middle-weight mono-blade – 0.050″ thick — 31″-36″ long – “Flexible” – Safe and Somewhat Easy to Bend and Secure
  2. APEX Light Heavy-weight mono-blade – 0.055″ thick — 32″-37″ long.  “Rigid” to “Very Rigid” – May be a Challenge to Bend and Secure
  3. APEX Heavy-weight mono-blade – 0.062″ thick 33″-40″ long – Extremely Rigid – Extremely Difficult to Bend and Secure (Experts Only!)

The Relative Nature of Weight Class and Spring Steel Tension

Weight classes are relative to the type and style of a sword or blade…functionally and historically…when it was made, where it was made, how it was made, and the purpose to which the weapon was designed. A super heavy-weight RazorSword is much-much lighter and no-where near the weight of a European Claymore or even a Japanese Katana.  The RazorSword and RazorMachete is in a totally different class; it is at a different point in history…where stealth trumps weight and the “element of surprise” may eclipse skill.  With modern technology, a safely secured “hidden & concealed blade” that is longer, lighter, thinner, faster, flexible, and more agile …will out perform a conventional blade.  Old style blades hang dangerously from your leg…not only heavier and slower, but unable to conceal.  Each blade has its advantages and disadvantages; depending upon your needs and what century you live in.  The RazorSword and RazorMachete were born for the 21st Century and beyond.

Each RazorRazor weapon class or tool class has a different blade thickness; with a different level of spring tension (Rigidness) pushing outward on the belt and our patented “Flexible Linked Containment Rail System”.  This outward pressure will leave two little “pressure or belt bumps” on the belt; that could be noticed by a trained observer.  The bumps are almost non-existent with Feather-weight or Light-weight blades; but as the blades get thicker (Creating more outward spring pressure), the bumps are likely to increase.  However these “belt-bumps” are easy to conceal; by “blousing” your shirt over the bump, placing a cell phone case near the bump, tightening the belt, and/or moving the belt horizontally until the bump is reduced.  Either one or all four of these techniques will help hide this slight “belt-bump”.  Although concealment is paramount; it is highly unlikely that the untrained general public will ever notice a small irregular “belt-bump”…and if they did…nothing would come of it…this is just our own paranoia!

APEX Predator Series – Slight Katana Curve

Katana Example – With its cutting edge downward towards earth; an authentic Japanese katana sword curves upward…as you move towards the point.  The curvature of the Japanese katana does not affect the performance of the blade; even when the outward blade curvature of the typical Japanese Katana is anywhere from 1.0″ to over 1.5″ from point to end of the handle.

APEX Example – With the APEX blade cutting edge downward towards earth; the Apex Predator blade gently curves (From side to side) right and then left creating a subtle and gentle “side to side Katana Curve”as you look from the handle towards the point.  The curvature of the APEX Blade is extremely small; from 1/16″ to 1/4″ from point tip to the end of handle…this measurement is over the entire length of the sword or machete.  This curvature (Like that of the Katana blade curvature) is due to the tempering process, and does not affect blade performance or cut accuracy.  (Historical: First curved Scimitars found in the 9th century – First curved Japanese swords found in the 10th century)

Blade Curvature – This is not the first edged weapon system developed by RazorRazor to include a curved blade; e.g. the RazorDagger – a Body Contour Weapon System.  With the aid of computer controlled tempering, and our proprietary “PreStressed Blade Technology” (PSBT); the RazorRazor Company has designed various weapons with a curvature.

Middle Weight – Apex Predator – Blade Thickness 0.050″

RazorSword/RazorMachete/RazorBaton/RazorCustom Point – Mono Blades – Apex Predator Series – Thickness level 0.050” Somewhat RIGID – Generally easy and safe to bend around your waist — The Middle Weight is available in lengths from 31″-36″; this is a specially tempered ultra-high performance blade.

With some practice the Middle Weight RazorSword or RazorMachete should be easy to bend around your waist, easy to conform the blade in the flexible linked containment rail system, and easy to control.  However having some edge weapon training and experience is helpful and advised for safe use of this system.

As the blade exceeds 31″-33″ in length…it will become much easier to bend the blade around your waist inside the containment system.  However the thrusting capabilities may be slightly diminished due to this added length and flexibility caused by the physics from a longer blade… (Mono-Blades hold an extreme razor sharp edge)

Light Heavy Weight – Apex Predator – Blade Thickness 0.055″

RazorSword/RazorMachete/RazorBaton/RazorCustom Point – Mono Blades – Apex Predator Series – Thickness level 0.055” – RIGID – Somewhat difficult to bend and secure.  Expect a learning curve with some difficulty in developing the finesse to bend and secure this blade around your waist.  The Light Heavy Weight is available in lengths from 32″-37″; this is a specially tempered ultra-high performance blade.

This blade may be more challenging to bend around your waist than the 0.050″ thick Middle Weight, and is not recommended for a novice.  It takes strength, practice, and finesse to bend and safely secure this blade in the flexible linked containment rail system.  This is especially true if the blade is shorter at 31″-32″.  The Light Heavy Weight RazorSword is recommended for physically fit martial arts practitioners and/or those with edged weapon training.  If not kept under complete control when deployed; injury may result due to the powerful spring action release and its rigid tempered steel.

As the blade exceeds 34″-35″ in length; it will become increasingly easier to bend the blade around your waist in the containment system.  However thrusting capabilities may be slightly diminished due to this added length and flexibility caused by the physics from a longer blade… (All Mono-Blades hold an extreme razor sharp edge)

Heavy Weight – Apex Predator – Blade Thickness 0.062″  

RazorSword/RazorMachete/RazorBaton/RazorCustom Point – Mono Blades – Apex Predator Series – Thickness level 0.062″ – Extremely RIGID – Extremely difficult to bend and secure at shorter lengths.  The thickness and extreme rigidness of this blade, especially at shorter lengths of 33-34 inches, will present a serious challenge to safely bend and secure this blade in the containment system.  This includes even experienced edged weapon personnel.

Anyone attempting to use the .062″ Heavy Weight APEX blade should have purchased one of our less rigid machetes or swords, and needs to have above average upper body strength, in good physical condition and an expert with edged weapons and safety protocol.  The APEX Heavy Weight is available in lengths from 33″-40″, and is a specially tempered ultra-high performance blade.  This extremely rigid version will present a danger and near impossible challenge to a novice, and/or a person that lacks great upper body strength, and/or those not well trained in martial arts or edged weapon systems.

The Heavy Weight Apex Predator is a military grade weapon system; it takes training, strength, practice, and finesse to safely conform any of these blades into the flexible linked containment rail system and secure it safely.  If not kept under complete control while being contained or deployed; injury is likely to result due to the blades powerful and “explosive like” spring-steel release action.  If released without proper control, the Apex blade may “spring out” from its containment system and propel itself across a room; striking anything in its path…potentially causing serious injury or death.  As the blade lengthens to 35″-38″, and due to additional leverage; it will become increasingly easier to bend and secure the blade in the flexible linked containment rail system.

Heavy Weight – 0.062″ Recommendations

APEX 0.062″ will become increasingly easier to bend as the blade gets longer.  As such, we recommend the use of the 0.062″ Heavy Weight system, as a longer blade 34″ to 36″ or greater; providing the total length of the APEX is a minimum of 4-inches to 6-inches less than your waist measurement.

Thrusting capabilities may be slightly diminished as the blade length/flexibility increases; caused by the physics of leverage from a longer blade.  Since this blade is “Extremely Rigid”; thrusting capabilities should be good at almost any length.  The 0.062″ RazorSword is available up to 40-inches in length; it is especially well suited for larger people with larger frames and waist sizes.  (All Mono-Blades hold an extreme razor sharp edge)  We absolutely require a phone conversation and safety assessment prior to shipping the “Heavy Weight System – 0.062-inch thick Apex Predator”!

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