
BeltDagger Standard 6"-9" RazorDagger Concealed (EDC) - Civilian & LE/MIL (8" RD-T for SERE Training)

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The standard RazorDagger has two variants – the narrower / smaller Executive RazorDagger and the wider / larger Tactical RazorDagger
– – – (1. RazorDagger Executive is 1.0″ wide, with overall lengths of 6″, 7″ and 8″. Designed for ultra narrow men’s belts and small women’s clothing.
– – – (2. RazorDagger Tactical is 1.25” wide, with overall lengths of 7”, 8”, and 9”. The RD-Tactical is wider, stronger, and more “muscular”; designed for elite LE/MIL, Counter Terror training, and civilians. (SERE Training recommends 8″ RD-T)

All “Body Contour Weapon Systems” are capable of sub-second deployment under stress.

RazorDagger Trainer (Below) was developed in collaboration with elite LE/MIL for their global training initiatives. For more information call 414-333-3300