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Designers of “Invisible” Survival Systems & Weapon Systems
From Counter Terrorism Experts, Weapon Designers and Elite LE/MIL…to Engineers, Writers, and Trainers…they all have stated; “That when it comes to Concealed Survival and Weapon Systems…the RazorRazor Company is well on its way to become the most innovative design company on the planet”. These concealment systems include, but are not limited to our RazorDagger, RazorDagger Survival, RazorMachete, RazorSword, and the RazorBaton. We have many new designs in our R&D department that will meet and/or exceed our current designs and inventions.
RazorRazor has developed “survival systems, tool systems, and weapon systems” that are virtually invisible; yet comfortable to wear…with instant easy access, and capable of sub-second deployment under stress. These “Tools & Weapons” are nearly indestructible and are guaranteed for life against catastrophic failure.
Depending upon client design specifications and field applications; we can completely hide and eliminate the asymmetry and corresponding signature from any of our concealed systems (Including but not limited to a 40-inch RazorMachete…rendering all of our systems “invisible” even to the most ardent expert in “studies and observations”.
Most people understand the reasoning behind the concealment of weapons; but why conceal a tool or survival system.
- First: In the event of an emergency (Even on a limited scale), there are frantic people that would harm you and your family to obtain resources. If you are perceived to have resources that give you an advantage over someone else that fears for their safety and/or life; you are now a target. In life or death struggles, even your friendly neighbor may become a hostile. It is best to keep a very low and nondescript profile.
- Second: Whether it be a lethal weapon, a razor-sharp machete, or any tool with sharp edges or points; safe and secure retention is mandatory. Safe and secure retention of a sharp “tool” is not limited to survival or emergency situations; but also important for daily use at home, in business, or for recreation…hiking, camping, and hunting.
- The RazorRazor Company not only designs system to conceal weapons or resources from the “bad guys”; but to safely retain and secure items that could cause injury or even death from a tool or weapon that is improperly secured. (Example: that 24″ razor-sharp machete hanging from a thin sheath next to your leg…bad idea)
RazorDagger – The RazorDagger was designed at the Request of elite undercover US Drug Enforcement. US Drug Enforcement gave us what initially seemed like impossible specifications
- A long knife / dagger that could not be found if/when searched by a drug dealer
- A long knife / dagger that is a fixed blade fighting knife (No Folders)
- A long knife / dagger with instant access & sub-second deployment under stress
- A long knife / dagger that does not weight more than 2-3 ounces
- A long knife / dagger that “will not break” like most stainless-steel knife tips
- A long knife / dagger a “Body Contour Weapon System (With Adjustable Curve)
- A long knife / dagger “as or more lethal” than current tactical knives
The RazorRazor Company met and exceeded all of the above specifications. The RazorDagger is designed as an adjustable “Body Contour Weapon System”; the blade curvature can actually be manipulated to fit almost any body area or shape…to meet the needs of ever changing operationally conditions. This shape-shifting can be done “On the fly”, and while in the field…in all environments and conditions. Lethality: the blade curvature creates a much larger internal wound cavity (Internal Cavitation) and a subsequent increase in lethality (Similar to an expanding hollow point bullet). The RazorDagger is a “World’s First”; credit goes to both our friends in Elite LE/MIL and the RazorRazor engineering design team that developed this revolutionary weapon system. “The RazorDagger has saved lives!”
Our mission continues…to research, design, and develop new formidable “invisible” weapons, tools, and survival systems…with advanced technology for US Military, law enforcement, elite operators, and law-abiding citizens. Our patented weapons and tools are a “one of a kind”…a design first!
Everything on this website is concepted, designed, patented, and custom manufactured by the team at the RazorRazor Company. Proudly made in the USA…Believers in American Exceptionalism! Not only are we continuing to develop new advanced survival systems, edged weapons and tools; but we are constantly updating and enhancing current systems. Most of what we manufacture did not exist anywhere; until the design team at RazorRazor developed it. Please click on the “PURCHASE” and “PRODUCTS” pages to review our designs and inventions.
Science Fiction…now a Reality! Imagine walking down the street with no more than a tank top and a pair of shorts. Yet no one can see your survival, or weapon system…a 1.5” wide by 33” long RazorSword, RazorMachete, or RazorBaton. The system is safe, secure, and concealed in our patented (FLCRS) Flexible Linked Containment Rail System. FLCRS attaches to an ordinary leather belt or nylon web belt. Why is it “invisible”; because “deployment and strike” is so “fast and fluid” that the target will never see it! (Please see our video demonstrations)
Many people have remarked; “Your weapon systems are right out of a “James Bond” or a science fiction movie”. We are often contacted for new weapon ideas and capabilities from authors and writers.
We can turn a day at the beach into a science fiction event. Imagine a well-trained small woman; wearing only a bikini. This “normal bikini” belies what lurks hidden just under the thin cloth material…a 6″-8″ double edged razor-sharp weapon; a totally concealed tactical fixed-blade dagger. The RazorDagger…an adjustable “Body Contour Weapon System” concealed under this small bikini – a real “lethal surprise” for any perpetrator attacking this tiny sunbather. This redefines undercover!
Better than a Magic ACT! Even magicians have purchased our systems. They tell us; “Pulling a 33-inch full sized sword or machete – from out of thin air – belongs in our magic act – heck of a lot better than pulling a rabbit out of a hat!”
Our clients are global…from ordinary civilians, collectors, martial art practitioners…to elite law enforcement, military personnel, SOF, counter-terror training teams, escape and evasion training units (SERE)…etc. However, our mission is not limited to elite law enforcement and military; we fully support the rights of ordinary citizens – that believe in self-reliance, personal responsibility, and a free society – that many courageous Americans have fought for, and continue to sacrifice their lives to preserve! May we never forget, and forever humbly appreciate their service…
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